Wednesday 6 October 2010

Paradox and challenge

Alexandrina’s presence in the Church is making itself felt more and more. It is both a paradox and a challenge. Embodied in her, as in a transparency of Christ, is the bliss of suffering, the freedom of obedience, the joy pain, indeed Life in Death.
Alexandrina is a humble, pure image of the Crucified and Risen Lord whom she loves. For the gift that she is for the Church, for the representation - in her flesh and her spirit – of the love that surrounds us all in the Paschal Mystery of Salvation, the young girl from Balasar is a presence and a "dangerous, but necessary memory".

She personifies the evangelical paradox: the joy of the cross. But why? Because it is the joy of Love. We can say that Alexandrina is fully summed up these two words, paradox and challenge, words that spell out her inner life, express her mystical maturity.

From the book Figlia del Dolore Madre di Amore

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