Monday, 14 November 2011

Mary and Martha

We knew once a lady who liked to repeat:
- I can die Martha, but I hope to die satiate!
This sentence remembers the Gospel story of Lazarus' resurrection, and more particularly the two sisters of the risen one, Mary and Martha.
Traditionally, Mary, who sits to hear Jesus, and Martha, who is busy with the house work, are seen as images respectively of the contemplative life and active life. It turns out however that the great mystics, like St. Paul or St. Teresa of Avila, were too very active people.
What happened with our mystic Blessed Alexandrina? Did she live locked in her room, forgotten to what was happening in the world?
Not at all. When she died, in Balasar, people told:
- Died the mother of the poor!
And her pastor saw in her his most active cooperator.
She was Mary, but also Martha.
Let’s read therefore these sentences she dictated:

My poor heart,
despite being so bad,
suffers, suffers,
dies for not being able to change itself
into bread and clothes,
into comfort, joy, consolation and balsam
for all those who suffer.
S (16-1-48) 

I would like to be balsam for all the wounds,
consolation for all the sadnesses,
comfort for all the discouragements,
food for all the hunger,
clothes for all the cold,
and remedy for all the evil. 
I am nobody, I am nothing, I am of no value.
S (21-5-48) 

It want to run throughout the world
and to dry all the tears,
to console all the discouraged,
to clothe all the naked,
to feed all the hungry.  
It want to spread over all humanity,
both bodies and souls,
the charity of Christ. 
Oh holy charity of my Lord, how beautiful you are, how you can please and console my Jesus!
S (12-02-48)

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