In one of
the small plots of land annexed to the House of the Blessed Alexandrina, an
original path for meditation on the message of her life and work was
inaugurated at the end of 2017. Remarkable thing!
It begins
with a square column on whose top, on each face, is the portrait of the Beata.
In the soil, one reads the motto "To love, to suffer, to repair". The
second step consists of a statue of Our Lady in stone, the Heavenly Mother, who
always supported her in suffering. Then comes a stele with the copy of an icon
representing Jesus, the Master of the school where Alexandrina learned.
column that begins the meditation path on the life and work of Blessed
Alexandrina. In the last plane, other steps of this route and panels with
allusive phrases are pointed out.
Now begins
the walk of the Passion with the suggestion of the Garden of Gethsemane. Meanwhile,
one can read many of the Beata's phrases on the next walls. The following
moment is a stone square bench, in whose center is a stone table: it suggests
the Cenacle and a pause for reflection aided by the transcriptions read on the
neighboring wall. There is then a tank to which a spout of water flows; a panel
clarifies its meaning with the phrase of the Gospel "I thirst." The
column representing the Praetorium and the Flagellation is next seen. Further
on, a cross stands on a rounded stone block (quartz) that appears to represent
the globe. The walk concludes with a tall white ladder that symbolizes the
Resurrection. Everything always accompanied with Alexandrina's quotations.
This course
is dominated by the brilliant idea of visually entwining the steps of the
Passion of Christ with the experiences of Alexandrina. The fundamental of her life and work points to it and it does not make sense that the attention of the
people visiting her house is directed to facts more or less accessory,
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