Friday, 28 December 2012


Last September Maria Rita Scrimieri spoke at Our Lady of Fatima Conference, California, USA, on Bld Alexandrina. See here.
In Wisconsin, there is an Alexandrina Center. This Alexandrina is indeed Bld Alexandrina Maria da Costa.

Sunday, 16 December 2012

Jesus is my love

Let me, Jesus, let me shout out always,
with all my soul, with all my heart:
Jesus is my love,
the only one to whom I want to belong
and for whom I want to live!
Only He has enchantments for me,
only to Him is all my being yielded!
May everything in me die
So that in me only Jesus lives!

Bld Alexandrina

Sunday, 9 December 2012

To the ends of the earth

A prophecy of 1937

In a letter that she wrote to Fr Marian Pinho on 22nd November 1937, Alexandrina revealed that two days before Jesus had spoken her in these terms:

- My daughter, my jewel, golden jewel box, very rich jewel box of the Holy Trinity… very rich, because you have in you these divine Personages… if you knew how you are loved by Them!
My daughter, I only speak to you of greatness and the love that I have for you, because it is good for souls. Because I desire that, just after your death, your life be known, that it spreads to the farthest ends of the world, where the voice of the Pope consecrating the world to My beloved Mother will also have arrived.

Twenty years later (23rd January 1957), but only two years after Alexandrina’s death, the same Fr Marian Pinho commented on the realization of that prophecy to Fr Umberto (surely quoting what he had learned by heart):

What Our Lord promised her in 1937 is being fulfilled:
“Soon after your death I want that you be known; I will ensure that it will be so”.

Thirty years later, in 1968, Fr Umberto, made a comment along the same lines in an interview:

Many times the Lord had said to Alexandrina:
“After your death, I will ensure that your name and your life, full of love and heroism, will spread to the far ends of the earth”.

And Alexandrina’s second director continues:

Indeed, only with the removal from Portugal of the two directors could this be realized literally. Rev. Fr Marian Pinho, without having to face the obstacles that he would find in his homeland, succeeded in publishing two books concerning Alexandrina, one of which was soon translated into French and German.
I, through the “Salesian Bulletin”, written in Italian language, with a print run of more than 300,000 copies that are sent to every corner of the land, could spread the news of Alexandrina’s death as soon as I received it and also some brief words concerning her edifying life. In the following year, I published, in Italian, a biography that was later translated into Portuguese. And the Salesian bulletins of several nations had spread the fame of the Servant of God through the world.
A religious sister of the Congregation of the Children of Mary Auxiliaries, who lived behind the Iron Curtain - where the Catholic press is forbidden - had patiently translated and typed the biography and made sure it circulated in some of the regions subjected to the communist regime.
Months ago there arrived in my hands, from Thailand, a version of the biography in the language of that country, written by a Salesian (Fr Rebesco). And I know that in Japan an identical work is being produced. How great the Lord is! There are no human forces capable of impeding His divine designs.

Now, in our own day, when almost 70 years have passed since this prophecy, Fr Pasquale Liberatore, who was the Salesian postulator, could declare in an interview:

Whoever learns about Alexandrina is fascinated by her. I receive letters from all over the world with requests for images and relics.

“Light and lighthouse of the world"

A few months before her death, Alexandrina’s agony was aggravated to an extent that she was no longer able to dictate the story of her mystical experiences. But it is in the last of her diaries (2nd September 1955) that she recollects, as if it were a key of gold, some gorgeous words of the One for whom she had lived:

My abysses are so black and deep that only God could penetrate them.  
And that was what Jesus did.  
He went down into my depths,
with the tender rays of His light He brought my poor being up to the surface and illuminated it: 
- Come here, my daughter, light and lighthouse of the world!  
You, who are in darkness without equal, are the light that shines, the lighthouse that illuminates everything.  
The darkness is for you, the light is for souls. 
Come here, light of which I am the light, lighthouse of which I am the lighthouse! 
Can I not make you shine with My brightness?  
Can I not make you to be a lighthouse, just as I am The Lighthouse?

But the universal dimension that Jesus attributes to Alexandrina’s life of suffering had been made known to her long before and this knowledge was often, and in many ways, confirmed. Look at an example:

My daughter, school of all humanity! …
How much humanity must learn in this school:
School of Christ’s life, school of the science of the Highest one!
It is here that the insignificant and the great, the ignorant and the scholars, all learn.
It is in this school that one learns how to suffer and how to love. (15/4/49)

When, in December 1944, the world was being destroyed in a war that seemed to have no end, it was handed over, on the feast of the Immaculate Conception, to Alexandrina’s care. Moreover, she was declared its queen, the “queen of the world”:

You are the second ark of Noah.
In you I keep sinners;
in you, as in the ark, I guard everything for life in the new world.
Your pain, your immolation and humiliation of life, is more for souls that for bodies.
Courage, dear daughter! Do not fear.
The rain that falls on the new ark is not to destroy but to save: it is rain of humiliations, disdain and sacrifices.
The ark is not in danger: it sails on the crests. Once the waters of the persecution abate, the world will see the wealth that waters contained, that they were waters of salvation.
Dear daughter, my beloved, I am not alone, my Blessed Mother is with Me; listen to what She says to you.
Jesus was to the left; my Heavenly Mother who was at my right, took me onto her lap, enfolded me tightly against her most sacred Heart, covered me with caresses and said me:
- My daughter, I come with my divine Son to deliver humanity to you so that you can enclose it in your heart.
The keys remain in the custody of your Jesus and your beloved Heavenly Mother.
I have given you to my most holy mantle, and my queen’s crown: you have been crowned by Me.
You are the queen of sinners, you are the queen of the world, chosen by Jesus and Mary. (8-12-1944)

Texts like this are not exceptions; even the delivery of the world to Alexandrina’s care was to be confirmed.
The Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, which was asked of her, was not that of Portugal or of Russia alone, it was that of the world. 

Saturday, 8 December 2012

The DVD on Bl Alexandrina

The DVD on Bl Alexandrina has been shown today on EWTN (we couldn't watch). This happened on a very special day for her, the day of the Immaculate Conception.

Monday, 3 December 2012

It was excellent!

I watched the Blessed Alexandrina da Costa program on EWTN this afternoon and it was excellent! My congratulations to Kevin Rowles and all those who put it together – it is very inspiring and is very well done.  
Those who missed it here in the USA might want to set their DVR/recorders for Sat. Dec. 8 at 5 AM Eastern Time which will be the next showing on EWTN for those here in the USA.
G. Dallaire

Open this link please.

Saturday, 1 December 2012

Selected websites in English on Bld Alexandrina

Find here the main websites in English on Bld Alexandrina.