Thursday, 4 October 2012

Short film on Bld Alexandrina

Mary's Dowry Productions have a new DVD with short films, each of 10 minutes, on six Blesseds. It is entitled: Well Known Blesseds Volume One. Each short film tells the life of a particular Blessed and volume one focuses on the lives of Blessed John Henry Newman, Blessed Mother Teresa, Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati, Blessed John Paul II, Blessed Alexandrina Maria da Costa and Blessed Dominic Barberi.
The short filme on Alexandrina "is a small overview and we deliberately put it on with a lot of popular saints so as to get people who are interested in them to find out about her too. It's a completely differente production to the other DVD we have as it's only 10 minutes" (Mary's Dowry Productions).
Although on this list above our Beata comes in second to last, she is the first in the DVD package. Her popularity is growing in the Anglo-Saxon world.
See the List of Catholic films availabe from Mary's Dowry, titles and lenghts of DVDs. 
Find here divulgation on previous DVD: 12345.

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