Tuesday, 28 October 2014

March 29, 1945, Holy Thursday

It's already night and my soul feels as never before that it is the night of love, that it is the most holy of nights. Jesus will depart yet He wants to stay among us. What an entanglement of love, what are the ties of His Heart to the hearts of those who are dear to Him! What anxiety between going and staying!
My heart experiences all this. I am bread, I am wine, I am the host, I am the tabernacle.
What a rich night, what beautiful night! The angels descended from heaven to worship so great a mystery.

But, oh, what awaits Jesus! What treachery, what false traps surround Him!
I see Gethsemane, I see the blood: everything is silent, so that only Jesus hears and feels.
And what unconcern of those beloved of His Heart! Little do they understand the pain and grief of Jesus.

Monday, 13 October 2014

At Balasar

We were today at Balasar when it was about ten o'clock. The weather was cloudy and threatening rain, but there were plenty of people, especially in the church.
We learned that the pilgrimage of the Alexandrina Society came last Saturday, when also came another which included people of Croatia.
Please pray for the canonisation of Bd Alexandrina.

Friday, 10 October 2014

St. Therese of Lisieux and Blessed Alexandrina

Now that we are on the way to the 13th, let’s read this brief dialogue between St. Therese of Lisieux and Blessed Alexandrina from the Sentiments of the Soul 3 October 1947. St. Therese promises that will meet Alexandrina in her “passage to eternity."
St. Therese came dressed in light, with a very nice diadem. As she was beautiful and kind!
Hugged me, kissed me in a quite long hug and told me:
- My Sister, wife of My Spouse and daughter of my Lord, have courage!
Great glory awaits you in heaven! What a beautiful crown made ​​of your martyrdom!
Suffer with joy, you have my protection here on earth and I’ll meet you in the passage to eternity.
- St. Therese, my dear St. Therese, I trust on you, I count on your protection, love Jesus for me and Blessed Mother and the whole Trinity.

Image of St. Therese that exists in the Alexandrina room and which is photograph of the sculpture existing in the Póvoa’s Church of Mercy.

Thursday, 9 October 2014

Saint Teresa of Avila by Mary’s Dowry Productions

The life of Spanish mystic, author, reformer and Doctor of Prayer St. Teresa of Avila is looked at in detail in this biographical film presentation that is suitable for all.  
St. Teresa’s early life, devotions, trials and decisions as well as her novitiate, conversions, development of prayer, her reformation of the Carmelite Order and much more are here carefully presented.  
St. Teresa’s natural qualities, humour, devotion and writings attracted and inspired many during her lifetime and continue to do so today.  
Good humoured, determined and deeply in love with God she is a great example for all.  Sacred art, paintings, photographs and maps of Spain, a simple costumed visual, scenery, narrative and music combine to present a creative, detailed and devotional film presentation of the life of St. Teresa of Avila.
This NEW DVD is available worldwide from our online shop
or from Amazon.com and 

The writings of the great mystic St. Teresa of Avila are indispensable for the study of Blessed Alexandrina.

Wednesday, 8 October 2014

The last moments of earthly life of Blessed Alexandrina

In the biography of Blessed Alexandrina For Love Alone!, Eugenia Signorile collects this testimony of Dr. Irene de Azevedo, daughter of Dr. Azevedo (dear friend who often had written, instead of Deolinda, what Alexandrina dictated to her diaries), about the last moments of earthly life of the biographed: 
One of the last photographs of Blessed Alexandrina. 
We had the sensation that in that room of pain something tremendously great and mysterious was happening: that the last moments had arrived for a victim who had been asked for a great reparation.
Standing next to her, I tried to give to her a little consolation by wetting her dry lips. I did not dare to speak to her, for fear of increasing her suffering (...)
She insistently asked that God take her quickly to Heaven: it was the only prayer worthy of her. (...) What an expression she had! Holy resignation to the will of God, but suffering to the point of terror, such suffering that a soul can only undergo with the grace and a great help of the Lord.
Since then I have an idea of what the Passion and Death of the Lord would have been. (...) Contemplating her most painful face, I seemed to hear the phrase of Jesus:
“Father, why have you abandoned me?”
Everything was consummated.