Mary's Dowry Productions
A documentary using costumed portrayals, historical imagery, maps, paintings and scenery to present the life of one of the most famous English Martyr's - Saint Thomas More. Told from Sir Thomas More's own perspective, step back into early Tudor history and walk through the fascinating life of this great Englishman from his early years in the home of Cardinal Morton, through his friendship with King Henry VIII, his extensive writings against heresies to his final days in the Tower of London and his last walk to Tower Hill. With a look at his encounters with the great figures of Tudor history including Erasmus, Anne Boleyn, Calvin, Luther and Bishop John Fisher, this is a detailed and original documentary presented in a new and interesting style. Seeped in history and touching upon the depths of Saint Thomas More's Faith and love of Christ, enter upon a simple but informative journey with this courageous Chancellor of England.
The DVD has a runtime of 1 Hour and 6 Minutes and is available worldwide in all region formats.
Available through our website at this link or from Amazon UK or Amazon COM.